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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Sick App!

Seldomly do I go gaga over an app for my iPod Touch, let alone post about one on my blog, but this app is a must have for every iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad user. It's called Zumocast, and it's a simple/easy to use powerhouse for accessing your iTunes media.

This app is for anyone who wished they could fit, or access all their media on their device, but couldn't due to little or low disk space, or those who don't have the dough to fork out for an iPod Classic. Now with Zumocast, you can access and play virually all of your media in almost any format (including flash .flv format) via Wifi, or over a 3G/4G connection streamed directly from you home computer. In fact, the only format it doesn't stream is .mb4, but I'm sure it will be able to soon over next few updates.

Among all the great features Zumocast has (besides that it's free ~ yep FREE), the one that makes this app an instant favortite for me is that it displays album cover art during playback on my iPod. Since I go to great lengths to keep my iTunes library organized, and every album in my library has album art, this is a must have feature for me.

To use Zumocast, all you have to do is: download the app from the iTunes store here, and sync it to your device. Then download and install the software needed to stream your media from your home computer here. Finally, tell Zumocast where your iTunes media folder is, and allow it to gather the information about your library. After a few minutes, Zumocast is ready to stream. That's it! No syncing, or uploading needed!

For more information about Zumocast, visit the Zumocast website at www.zumocast.com/